Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Celtic Music - Flook

One group I was happy to discover by listening to and joining in on the chat room conversations is the Anglo/Irish group Flook. They're an energetic group driven by the flute playing of Sarah Allen and the whistles of Brian Finnegan, both founding members of the group, which started playing in 1995.

I've created a Squidoo lens for Flook here. It's shorter than the Altan lens since Flook only has three CDs. I wanted to get a second Celtic music lens up fairly quickly, and decided one that appeals to my friends at LiveIreland would be a good choice. It went faster with fewer CDs, of course, although I wish there were more!

I put up a couple of YouTube videos of Flook on the lens, and there are many more videos on YouTube. I know I'll be going back to the site to watch more.

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