Saturday, February 15, 2014

Spoonerisms: Wabberjocky by Cewis Larroll

"The Jabberwock" by Sir John Tenniel
Bras twillig and the tithey sloves
Did wire and wimble in the gabe;
All bimsy were the morogroves,
And the rome maths grout abe.

"Webare the wabberjock, my son!
The baws that jite, the caws that clatch!
Webare the bub-bub jird and shun
The brumious Snanderfatch."

He took his sworpal horde in vand;
Tong lime the fanxome moe he sought--
And hested re by the trumtrum tee,
And wood a stile in thought.

And while in thuffish ought ste hood
The wabberjock, with flies of aim,
Whame kiffling through the wulgey tood,
And curbled as it bame!

Ton, woo! Ton woo! and through and through
The blorpal vade snent wicker-wack!
He deft it lead and hith its wed
He went balumphing gack.

"And slast thou hain the wabberjock?
Oh bum to my carms, beam myish boy!
Oh dabjous cay! Fraloo! Frallay!"
He jortled in his choy.

Bras twillig and the tithey sloves
Did wire and wimble in the gabe;
All bimsy were the morogroves,
And the rome maths grout abe.

This Spoonerized version of "Jabberwocky" © May 12, 2011 by Richard A. Wales. I performed this on stage at FaerieCon West in Seattle in February 2013. This was originally presented on my lens Spoonerisms, which has since been deleted.

Other blog posts taken from the Spoonerisms lens, including this one, are:

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