Thursday, May 1, 2008

Celtic Music: Lunasa and Celtic Music Lenses

My latest Squidoo lens in the Celtic Music series is for the Irish traditional band Lúnasa, another group I discovered by listening to They released their first self-titled album in 1999 and it became an immediate best seller in Ireland, and was named one of the top ten albums of the year by the Irish Echo in the US. With the release of a "best of" album this year, they now have seven to their credit. The band tours extensively, playing 140 dates in 2006 alone.

Before creating the Lúnasa lens, I built Celtic Music: Lenses to help people (and me) keep track of and find my lenses in the series. Each time I add a lens, it will be the first one listed, and the entry will include a photo if one is available.

I recently stopped ignoring a Squidoo feature in the Introduction module of lenses (the one that has the first picture). When editing that module, there are three tabs. One is labeled "Table of Contents." I'd always just used the first tab, but when I checked out the ToC tab, I saw that it adds the headings of the rest of the modules as clickable links below the introduction. The Squidoo folks say this helps increase clicks and revenue. So I went through all my lenses, over 30 of them now, and turned that feature on. It can't hurt, and if it increases revenue, that's fine with me. I haven't exactly been setting any records revenue-wise, having made less than $10 total from October through March. That's six months, although October was a partial month. It's been a couple of days since I did that, and I noticed that a couple of my lenses are ranked in the top 10,000 (out of over 500,000), something I hadn't seen in a while.

When I started the Celtic Music lens series, I decided I wasn't going to be all that concerned with revenue. I link to Amazon in all the lenses except the "Lenses" one, but I didn't use the utility that would allow me to get all the commission instead of splitting it with Squidoo. It's a fair amount of extra work making those types of links and so far it hasn't been worth the effort. So I stick with the standard links for the 50/50 split.

More Celtic Music lenses? Most likely there will be, but I've decided not to make committments ahead of time. When the lenses happen, they'll be noted, but I don't want to make promises that I'll create lenses for specific artists. I do know one thing: I shouldn't run out of subjects for lenses in the series anytime soon.

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